Monday, August 1, 2011

Day Four – The Game – FC Frederick Plays to a 2-2 Tie

Day Four – The Game – FC Frederick Plays to a 2-2 Tie
Tim sends it back for the attack
Today after a full day of walking and sightseeing the boys played their second game. Their opponent was a local team of the same age players. When only the center referee showed up for the game, Jon Windle and a person from the opposing team agreed to serve as sideline referees. The opponents were skilled and the match was a close one. This was a fast moving game, no walking on the pitch on this day. Each player worked hard. The Watford Team took the lead in the first half with a beautiful goal. Brian provided the equalizer. The Watford Team was having trouble with the heat and the referee called a water break about 30 minutes into the game. At half time the score was tied at 1-1. The boys dominated for the next 20-30 minutes, however, the Watford Team was able to execute a play and score a go ahead goal. After that goal – the boys stepped up their game. Things were looking a little bleak for the boys for a while there in the second half. There was one sequence of plays where the boys failed to connect with five good shots on goal in less than 10 seconds, nothing would go in. But finally Gary motored through with the equalizer. Both FC Frederick goalies played admirably in goal and on the field.

Gary scores the second equalizer
The boys played hard and showed a lot of heart coming back from two one-goal deficits. The boys had many opportunities to score and were frustrated by the goal posts and missed shots. FC Frederick was on the verge of scoring again when the game ended in a tie. I am pretty sure that the first half was 45 minutes; it seemed to me that the second half was shorter. With each game -- the team has played better.



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