Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 5. On The Road Again

Hi Everyone  We have just arrived to the hotel in Chester.  it is a nice hotel, nicer than the last one.  Coach is talking to the players before dinner.  it was a long day but we had 2 stops, one in Oxford and one in Shakespeare's hometown.  The stops broke up the trip and made it more bearable.  At our last hotel, the Internet was very spotty and here in this hotel, you have to pay to use it.  Because of that we don't know how much we will send from here.

It is a cooler area here, and somewhat remote.  all boys are well but tired from the early mornings and much walking.  We start our day tomorrow at 9:30 with many cheers from the bus with this news.  The hotel allowed me to send this short message from their desk so I can't write much.

Fran Coss

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