Friday, July 29, 2011

The Flight Over

British Airlines Flight 264 departed Dulles Airport a few minutes early – an auspicious start to our trip. The flight to England was a little over seven hours and without event. Once we were in the air dinner was served, I must say that the food was typical airline food. The plan was equipped with movies, television shows and audio selections that would provide a suitable distraction for anyone. We arrived at Heathrow without a problem – smooth landing -- the weather was cloudy and cool – in the low 70’s. The weather was a welcome relief from the Washington, DC summer. Going through customs was a breeze (less than 45 minutes for everyone) and our tour guide was waiting for us as we left customs. Caleb, Will, Gary and Alexi (with parental units) met up with us once we cleared security. While we were waiting for our motor coach, a large and comfortable machine, the group was rounded up by an airport representative and given some type of lecture/talk (I could only hear about every other word) and which the boys thought was a type of sidewalk comedy. It was entertaining at least.


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