Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day Two - The Game

The Game

After departing London we were on the motor coach for about 45 minutes before we got to the field. We thought that the boys did not have enough water – so after we dropped them off at the field we went to a local market to buy water. In England, at least in this location, you need to provide a deposit to use the carts. The supermarket was like our supermarkets back home – except ours do not sell wine, beer, and hard spirits. The boys changed into their uniforms and the game was about to start at a local field. It was interesting to note that the fields were not any better than most fields our guys play on. In fact, the field was not as good as Riverside or OHS.

The boys played Parkfield Youth club, coached by Ali Jobe, and lost 3 – 1. Both goalkeepers played admirable games. The field players also played well. The first goal scored by Parkville was on a PK. The rational for it eluded me, however, the English style game is quite physical and our guys got tired of being shoved around (they got beat up a little bit). Gary H. got injured his ankle in the first half, but was able to come back in the second half. But for the first two minutes of the second half the boys would have ended the match in a tie. Brian scored the only goal. The boys played tough, had many opportunities to score, they just did not finish. Overall, in my opinion and despite the score -- the boys held their own admirably.

The team invited the boys and parents into their clubroom where they offered us drinks and conversation. It was a good thing to see the boys interact with their peers from across the pond. Their parents were equally as welcoming. It was a lovely evening.

Many photos have been taken of the guys. Unfortunately we are having problems posting them. We will try to get this sorted out tomorrow. Our plan for tomorrow is to visit the site of the 2012 Olympics and then it is off to the game.

Best Regards,


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